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skin diseases


Skin Diseases

Leucoderma(Vitiligo,White Patches,Safed Daag) Treatment at VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram,Gaya.

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This Website has been written for patients suffering from Leucoderma (white patches). With this end in view that they will read it, and acquire knowledge about the causes, the precautionary of the above disease.
Reading this Website will be highly useful for them. Kindly read the Website yourself and have it read by others, and in this way let them too be benefitted.

Gift of the ayurveda

Credit goes to the Ayurvedic system alone which can change dull life into interesting life. Under this system of medicine such intricate and chronic diseases of human body are treated successfully, as are regarded very difficult by modern system of medicines. In ancient times all diseases were treated according to the Ayurvedic system successfully. The scholars of the Ayurveda and the sages have described many such highly effective prescriptions of medicine and remedial measures for Leucoderma (white patches) as are unparalleled. People, no doubt, read them but do not use them systematically. It is a matter of great regret that patients wander hither and thither for many years in search of quick cure, but the result is just opposite; the disease has advanced. The Ayurvedic system of treatment may take some time but credit goes to this system alone which after complete purification of the body can remove the white patches thoroughly forever. In this book description about the causes of the white patches on human body, the remedial measures and the treatment have been given. But if you still find any personal difficulty, or you do not succeed in getting the diagnosis of the diseases, or you require any sort of advice, you may freely write to the VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram. Every effort will be made to solve all your problems in befitting manners.

Description of the Disease

This disease is known by different names in different languages such as white patches, white Leprosy, Shwitra, Khasthan, Phulbahri, Versa, Leucoderma, Vitiligo etc. In this disease white, rosy (pink), coppery or red spots are seen on body. In the beginning they are visible in form of very small spots. But when the disease begins to increase the spots grow larger and at last unite together. Thus, the spots become of very big size. When the disease advances elaborately, the spots cover such a large portion of the body that even the natural colour of the body disappears. In the end, even the hairs on the spots become white. This disease can appear at any age and in any part of the body.
There is generally no trouble of any kind, whatsoever on the place where white spots appear. However, some patients feel some itching sensation or burning pain on the spots.
You can conceal the disease if it is on some secret part of the body. But when the spots are on the face or on other visible parts, they look very ugly. People hesitate to dine or even sit with patients suffering from white patches because they think that they also may catch the disease. These people perhaps do not know that the disease is not infectious. However, the should never ignore the patients. Due to this disease parents feel great trouble in marrying their sons and daughters affected with the disease. Men and women look very ugly on account of white spots. They are not given due respect in the society and they are
neglected by all people. Handsome boys and girls and men and women in their full bloom lose all charm of their physical beauty. The life of elderly persons passes in pain and agony. This disease is more prevalent in our country than in others.
All scholars of the Ayurveda have described eighteen kind of Leprosy. According to them, all these have their origin from seven dhatus (constitutions) viz., Skin, Blood, Flesh etc. and from three humours viz., Phlegm, Bile and Wind. “White Patches” is not included in them. But it has been treated as a simple skin disease, hence it is looked upon as a disease caused due to disorder of the skin. According its description has been given separately. Although it is a simple skin disease, still it occupies a prominent position of its own from the view point of its from diagnosis etc.

Seven Kinds (Layers) of Skin

According to Acharya Sushrut there are seven kinds of skin: — (a) Avabhasini, (b) Lohita, (c) Shweta, (d) Tamra, (e) Vedini, (f) Rohini, (g) Mansdhara. Of these, only four are described below:

Avabhasini :– This is the first upper layer of the skin. We know the complexion of the body through it. Sehuan (Sihuli) appears on this very layer.

Lohita :– This is the second layer of the skin below Avabhasini. Small diseases have their origin in this
Shweta :– This layer is between Lohita and Tamra.

Tamra :– This is the fourth layer of the skin. Leucoderma has its origin in this layer. The cell of pigment are found in this layer. When these cells cease to catch colour or where these cells do not catch colour on some specific parts of the body, it is on these places where white spots appear.

Causes of the white patches

There are several causes of its origin. But every case of Leucoderma has not necessarily the same cause. It cannot be said definitely as to what is the main cause of this disease. As regards the causes of this disease one cause suggested by the Ayurveda seems to be more reasonable. It is this that on account of wrong (intemperate) diet and ways of life, wind, bile and phlegma which hold the body are deformed as a result of which deterioration takes place in them and thus white patches are produced on the body. There are some food articles which when eaten separately produce no harm but when mixed with other food articles and eaten they become harmful. For example, sour-fruits, salt or salty food, meat, fish, wine, and radish when taken separately do not cause any harm. But when taken with milk they may cause “white patches”.
By subduing the natural instincts, such as (a) vomiting (b) stools (c) urine etc., ‘white patches may be
Again there are several rules regarding, “Sexual Intercourse” which must be followed. For example, ‘white patches’ may be caused, if sexual intercourse is don soon after (i) The belly is full or you have just taken food to you heart’s contents or (ii) you have drunk over dose wine (iii) or if you drink cold water soon after intercourse, or you have sexual intercourse with (iv) a woman in menstruation, or (v) an old woman, (vi) a reluctant womanwho hates you or (vii) a woman suffering from veneral disease, or (viii) with an animal. Adulteration in food articles is also one of the causes of white patches. Now-a-days, adulterated food articles such as edible oil, ghee, milk, milk powder, flour, spices, etc., enter the stomach and create disorder in the intestines which ultimately effect the liver and the bile causing white patches. The scholars of the Ayurveda and the great sages of the past have said that this disease is often hereditary, also.

Kinds Of Leucoderma

Acharya Charak has referred to Leucoderma by three names viz., Varun, Darun & Switra. Acharya Sushrut has mentioned it by two names, viz., Switra and Kilas. According to Acharya Charak Switra (Leucoderma) is of two kinds: Kilas and Arun. White spots based on flesh are called Arun.

Different symptoms due to different disorders

According to Acharya Charak Switra (White Patches) caused due to the humour (wind) is some what red and is confined to blood. Switra caused due to the humour (bile) is red in the end is confined to flesh. Switra caused due to humour phlegm is white is confined to marrow and lymph, Switra caused from phlegm is more severe than Switra caused from bile.
Relating to the cause of the disease modern theory is this that lever-trouble is the root cause. According to this theory when the quantity of Milenin is decreased in the skin, the colour of the skin becomed white. According to modern theory this substance (Milenin) is found in the skin. Milenin controls the skin colour. When owing to some reason this substance decreases the colour of the skin is changed then. The colour of the skin depends on Melenin. Thus, where protein is needed to maintain the colour of the skin, Tamra is also needed.

Causes of the disease being complicated and chronic

When in the very beginning patients suffering from white patches get themselves examined in a proper way, when the diagnosis is correct and when they take necessary medicines systematically, they are get rid of the disease for ever in a very short time, whether the disease may be on any part of the body. If not, their disease becomes complicated and chronic. It takes longer time to be cured of the disease completely.
Sometimes it has been found that due to wrong medicine applied to the white spots, the skin becomes thick and as such the disease becomes chromic. It may take some longer time to root out (eliminate) the disease and bring the natural colour of the skin. Besides this there may be some spots on such places as soles, palms, lips, male or female reproductive organs, which may be over three years old It will take very long time to take regular medicine and follow necessary rules, so that all the disorders of the body may be ended for ever and the white spots may be eliminated.

Points to note during Treatment

While treating a disease it is very essential to check the very causes of the disease, so that the disease may be removed forever. It matters little whether the disease be of any type whatsoever. White patches appear on the body due to various deficiencies and disorders in the body. Hence, their treatment require patience and courage, because on removal of all internal disorders of the body in attaining perfect health the time taken in their treatment depends on the following factors:– (a) how old the disease is, (b) how far it has spread, (c) in what parts of the body it has spread. It the spots are very old and have spread far and wide, it is quite natural that it may take longer time to cure the disease. According, the patient has to keep patience during treatment. This disease is not like fever etc., is gone. It will surely take some time to change the colour of the skin.
Since every patient of this disease is not cured by the same kind of treatment so it is necessary to treat the disease according to it nature. It is quite essential to continue the treatment for a longer period even when the white spots of the whole face and on other parts of the body are completely eliminated, so that all disorders of the body are removed and the spots do not appear again.

Only External Treatment is not Sufficient

“White patches” on body is not such a disease which can be eliminated only through external treatment. External application to the white spots may eradicate it for the time being. But it cannot eradicate it forever. In the modern age of fashions, there are many patients who conceal the disease due to shame or hesitation. They purchase some ointment or liniment available in the market and use them on their white spots. But they purchase do not know that they are playing havoc whit their own life. The white spot may be too small in size but they must realize that that the disease has spread or begun to spread. As long as the internal disorder of the body has not been rooted out, there is every chance of the spread of the disease on other parts. Accordingly, a patient should take treatment in the very beginning so that the disease may not advance.

Expense on Treatment

The expense on treatment depends on the disease. First of all, full attention is paid to the following factors: (a) how old the disease is, (b) in what parts of the body the disease is located, (c) how far complicated and chronic the disease is. The strong and highly effective medicines are arranged, so that the patient may get rid of the disease and attain perfect health. Monthly expense may vary from Rs. 2000 to 3000 approximately.

Experience of Advantages

In as much as the disease (Leucoderma) is too complicated and chronic, so it takes some time to eliminate it completely. There is no doubts. However, its elimination depends on (a) the duration of the disease (b) the extent of the disease and (c) the particular portion of the body which is affected. Advantages are left (experienced) even after the use of medicine for a short time. But it has been written before, it may take three, four, six or eight months or even one year to be cured of the disease thoroughly. If after the use of medicine even slight changes are noticed soon on the spots, then the elimination of the spots should be considered easy, and in this way, the spots are soon eliminated. But those spots take time to eliminate, which are the affected late. When the medicine acts on the spots, the spots begin to grow smaller from the sides. Sometimes they become red like copper, sometimes they become black and sometimes the spots of the colour of the body are reflected on the white spots and in the end, they grow big and cover the white spots. At this stage the patient gets rid of the disease.

Tested Yoga's (Formulas) for Elimination of White patches

The Ayurvedic Scholars and the sages of ancient times have described such fine Yoga’s in their great books for the complete eradication of white patches which are unparalleled. No other treatment, however great or the medicines of the world can equal the ayurvedic system of Yoga. It is the truth which no one can defy. White spots, however old or white like conch shells they may be or even the hairs on the spots may have turned white, or the skin that has become thick are eliminated by the Yoga.
All these Yoga are mentioned in ancient books. People no doubt read them but do not use them systematically and attentively. They rather foolishly talk that the disease is incurable. The scholars of the Ayurveda have spoken about these Yoga that by their use, white patches as white as conch shells and the moon are eradicated without fail.
neglected by all people. Handsome boys and girls and men and women in their full bloom lose all charm of their physical beauty. The life of elderly persons passes in pain and agony. This disease is more prevalent in our country than in others.
All scholars of the Ayurveda have described eighteen kind of Leprosy. According to them, all these have their origin from seven dhatus (constitutions) viz., Skin, Blood, Flesh etc. and from three humours viz., Phlegm, Bile and Wind. “White Patches” is not included in them. But it has been treated as a simple skin disease, hence it is looked upon as a disease caused due to disorder of the skin. According its description has been given separately. Although it is a simple skin disease, still it occupies a prominent position of its own from the view point of its from diagnosis etc.

Advice to Patients

(1) Take a walk daily early in the morning. If possible, take some physical exercise also. (2) Take light and easily digestible food.
(3) Take food two or three hours before going to bed, so that food may be easily digested.
(4) Never allow your stomach to be in disorder, because it helps the disease to grow abruptly (too much).
In other word, you must pay immediate attention, if there be any such disease as constipation, dysentery
or worms etc.
(5) If you are addicted to drinking wine, etc., you must give it up.
(6) Stop taking meat, fish, or eggs etc., completely.
(7) If a small child is affected with white patches, you must pay attention to its stools and see, if its
digestion is alright or not or if it has developed worms or not. You should also see if its liver is functioning well or not.
(8) If there is Leucoderma in a family its children should ‘as far as’ practicable avoid eating sour food articles or sour fruits, in order that the attack of white patches.
(9) If the white spots are few or they may be as small as a point they must not be ignored thinking that they are very few. Hence, as soon as the white spot is visible, treatment must begin so that the disease may not spread to other parts of the body.


(1) Non-vegetarian food, such as meat or food articles prepared from meat, fish, cock’s flesh, eggs etc.

(2) Acidic food substance and sour fruits.

(3) Food articles causing constipation.

(4) Heavy food such as Puri, Kachauri, Halwa etc. prepared from Ghee or oil.

(5) Too much use of ghee or mustard oil.

(6) Red chilli and spices and very tasteful vegetables prepared with them.

(7) Pulses of Urid, Kulthi and Karai (pea).

(8) Intemperate food.

(9) Irregular timing of stools.

(10) Checking the tendency of urine and stools.

(11) Those food articles which cause trouble to the body.

(12) Sleeping in day, because it is harmful.

(13) Intoxication, such as wine etc.

(14) Nylon, Terri cot and other such clothes which produce itching sensation or wounds. Use cotton cloth only.

Some useful instruction for patients suffering from Leucoderma

(1) Always take breakfast, dinner and supper in time.
(2) Always go to bed in time and always get up in time. Try to sleep till 9 p.m. and get up by 6 a.m.
(3) Avoid constipation. Use bel (fruit) and papaya and gram (corn) to check constipation.Before going to bed take 5 to 10 grams of safgoal husk (Isabgoal) and drink cold water after this. This will also check constipation.
(4) Take bread and other food articles prepared from wheat, barley and gram.
(5) Take rice and other food articles prepared from rice.
(6) Take pulse of Arhar, Moong and gram only.
(7) Take milk and whey only. Do not take curd.
(8) Always use green vegetables and sweet fruits. They are very essential for good health. (9) Use less quantity of sugar, molasses and salt.

The patients should pay Attention

Let the disease not increase. Take shelter of the Ayurved: When there is the Ayurveda, why are you still a patient? Check the very causes of the disease. Take precautionary measures. In the end have proper treatment.
Perhaps you do not know what the Ayurveda is, else you would not have allowed the disease to continue and develop so far. Please divert your attention from work, and see the condition of the patient and the disease. Due to ignorance do not wander hither in search of quick remedy and thus let not the disease be more complicated and chronic. In ancient times patients got rid of even more intricate and chronic diseases through Ayurvedic treatment. It may take longer time to be cured of the disease, but credit goes to the Ayurveda alone which can root out the white patches. The patient affected with this disease should never loose heart. If there is patience and courage, the patient will surely get rid of the disease through proper treatment. In ancient times, the scholars of the Ayurveda and the sages had gained great reputation by curing this disease (Leucoderma) through the use of rare herbs and plants, efficacious Ras- Rasayan and precious bhasmas (base). Now you also can attain perfect health by the use of those Ayurvedic prescriptions of ancient times.
Take a solemn vow and get yourself involved in this treatment. You are sure to get rid of this evil disease if you have patience and courage.

Research of a New system on White Patches

VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram has brought about a very effective Ayurvedic-research of a new system for the treatment of white patches, which had so far remained a challenge in the system of treatment. According to this system of treatment white patches at first become reddish or blackish. Then the spots of the colour of the body are reflected on the white spots and they at last grow big and cover the white spots, so that they are changed into the natural colour of the body. Besides this, the spots become smaller from the sides.
It is a matter of joy that the patient, no doubt derives advantages from VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram. But even those living far off can be benefited sitting in their homes. Because for such people arrangement of treatment is done through post. Prior to the beginning of their treatment, they have to send the answers of the questions printed in this book in the Disease-description-from on separate paper. Thus, their treatment is done in the same manner, as the treatment of those patients, who come here?
In order, that maximum people could benefited by this efficatious new treatment, it has been mentioned in this book. Accordingly patients are advised that even those utterly disappointed persons suffering from white patches must once test our medicines so that may see the effects of the curable. Thousands of patients have been by now and they are deriving advantages. If your friends and relatives or the people of your locality are suffering from white spots, you are requested to inform them about our treatment and be blessed. If they are being treated elsewhere, still they are requested to see the effects of the values of our treatment.

Treatment of Patients

In VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram treatment of Leucoderma (white patches) in particular and of other complicated disease in general is done successfully, according to pure Ayurvedic systems and patients are benefited without fail. In course of treatment patients have got rid of the disease and are attaining perfect health on such a large scale that it may be called highly satisfactory. For the sake of patients many useful topics have been dealt with in this book. Not only this there is a vivid description of the causes of the white patches on human body and the precautionary measures, but also there is an attempt for easy approach to its remedy on the basis of Ayurvedic system. If you still feel any personal difficulty or fail to achieve the diagnosis of the disease, or you require any sort of advice then you can freely write to us for advice. As soon as we get your letter every problem of yours will be solved in a befitting manner. People, desirous of having treatment in VAIDYASRI Ayurvedashram and having recovered from the disease wish to attain perfect health should send the description of the diseases in the form given on the next page by registered post, so that the letter may reach us in time, and there be no difficulty in ascertaining the diagnosis.

Expense on Treatment

The expense on treatment depends on the disease. First of all, full attention is paid to the following factors:
(a) How old the disease is, (b) in what parts of the body the disease is located
(c)how far complicated and chronic the disease is. The strong and highly effective medicines are arranged, so that the patient may get rid of the disease and attain perfect health. Monthly expense may vary from Rs. 2000 to 3000 approximately.

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